Shake your phone to role the dice! The app will tell you what you rolled. You do not need to be able to see to use this app. So it is perfect for blind or visually impaired people who want to play a board-game or want participate fantasy role-playing-games. By swiping right or left on the screen, you can change what type of dice you are rolling: the classical 6-sided dice, but also the d4 up to the d20 (20-sided-dice). By swiping up or down on the screen, you can change the amount of dice you will be rolling.
I made this app for a blind friend of mine who wanted to roll her own dice during our role-playing-game. Rolling 2D20 to hit an Ogre or 3 six-sided-die to find out how much damage she did to him should be easy now.
I might update this if it proves to be popular. So if you want a feature or find problems, please tell me about it in the comments! Happy rolling!
And remember: Shake your phone just like a dice-cup (or like a bottle) to roll the dice!